International Real Estate

Texas A Top Destination For International Home Buyers Prior To Covid

Texas was still one of the most popular destinations for international home buyers prior to the Covid outbreak. NAR's latest report for International Transactions in U.S. Residential Real Estate through March 2020 shows that Florida, California and Texas still command the most dollar volume and number of transactions for foreign investment in residential real estate. The most common foreign buyers in Texas included Mexico, India and Brazil heading up the list of countries showing the largest percentage of Texas property purchases through the latest one year period. The total number of transactions and dollar volume [...]

International Real Estate Activity In U.S. Cools Dramatically In Latest Survey

Foreign buyers are cooling on U.S. residential real estate. NAR's Profile of International Transactions in U.S. Residential Real Estate 2019 shows foreign purchases declined 36 percent from the previous 12 month period to $77.9 billion. That translates to 183,100 home purchases, or roughly 3 percent of existing home sales in the U.S. Chinese purchases of U.S. real estate declined 56 percent to $13.4 billion in dollar volume. NAR's latest survey shows that the escalating trade war and stagnating global economy are definitely taking a toll on foreign investment in residential real estate in the United [...]

Foreign Buyers Purchasing Fewer U.S. Homes In 2018

The latest 'Profile of International Transactions in U.S. Residential Real Estate 2018' shows that foreign buyers were purchasing fewer U.S. homes and for lower average prices compared to the same 12-month period. The latest survey from the National Association of Realtors covers April 2017 through March 2018. Some of the highlights include A decrease in purchases from $153 billion to $121 billion A unit decrease from 284,500 properties to 266,800 An average price decrease from $536,900 to $454,400 Texas accounted for 9 percent of foreign purchases of homes, behind Florida (19%) and California (14%) For [...]

DFW Home Prices Pushing Limits Of Affordability

DFW home prices have been on a tear during the last 5 years. That begs the question of whether the recent price gains are sustainable. The answer to that inquiry generally boils down to who is selling what. In our hyper-financialized housing market it is not surprising when real estate practitioners or lenders suggest that we are not in a housing bubble. Whether you call it a housing bubble or not, there is no denying that the past decade has seen some dramatic shifts in the real estate market. Dallas/Fort Worth is certainly part of [...]

Foreign Buyers Still Flooding U.S. Real Estate Market

The the volume of foreign buyers buying U.S. residential real estate rose dramatically during the latest 12-month survey from the National Association of Realtors. The 2017 Profile of International Activity in U.S. Residential Real Estate shoes that the dollar volume of purchases by foreign buyers rose from $102.6 billion in 2016 to $153 billion in the latest 12-month period ending in March. In all, foreign buyers purchased 284,455 U.S. residential properties accounting for 5 percent of existing home sales and 10% of existing home sales by dollar volume. If you were wondering what's been driving the [...]

Housing Bubbles A Global Problem

Housing bubbles are easy to see, unless of course you are one those people in the real estate industry who feign ignorance for the sake of sales. For those who care to look, it is blatantly obvious that there is an echo bubble in real estate prices. It's a global problem that poses a number of challenges, and the potential capital destruction that would result from its collapse is probably larger than many want to admit. Everyone has to dance to the music, until the music stops. Looking at an updated index of San Francisco [...]

Foreign Investment In U.S. Real Estate Cools In 2016, But China Still Leads List Of Funny Money

The National Association of Realtors has published its latest survey profiling foreign buyers of U.S. real estate, and the latest data is remarkable for a number of reasons. Not surprisingly, China is still the largest source of foreign investment into U.S. homes and property. Something also worth noting is the decline of to total investment dollars reaching its way into the United States. It appears that the latest global central-bank-sponsored asset bubble may be finally popping once again. This will be a particular cause for concern for those wealthy property owners who have bought into [...]

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