
Transportation news and developments

SpaceX Falcon Heavy Rocket Launches Red Tesla Roadster Into Space

Elon Musk's SpaceX made a successful launch of the Falcon Heavy rocket, the world's most powerful rocket by a factor of two, headed on a deep space mission towards Mars. The Falcon Heavy rocket was the first launch of its kind since the Saturn V and the Apollo missions. The successful launch included at least two of the 3 reusable rockets boosters returning to Earth. As icing on the cake, there is now a cherry red Tesla roadster convertible hurtling through space. This animation of the Falcon Heavy Rocket demonstrates how the most powerful rocket [...]

By |2018-02-07T19:20:55+00:00February 7th, 2018|Cool Stuff, Transportation, Video|0 Comments

Denton TX Road Construction Projects Bring Changes For Motorists In 2018

Road construction projects in Denton TX are going to bring more frustration to motorists in 2018. The good news is that long overdue road improvements should alleviate some of Denton's growing congestion points where development has taxed the local transportation infrastructure. Below you can read the comprehensive transportation project reports presented at the January 16 meeting of the Denton City Council. Along Interstate 35-E work on the Loop 288 interchange continues. A turnaround lane should be installed soon. An underpass linking to Brinker Road is also in the works, so look for that improvement as [...]

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