Denton TX Homes For Sale

Denton Texas Homes For Sale

More Denton County Homes For Sale As QE Unwind Begins

As the Federal Reserve begins their QE unwind, one interesting metric to watch will be the number of Denton County homes for sale. The number of Denton TX homes for sale was up 34 percent year-over-year in October. In Denton County inventory was roughly 18 percent higher through October. In Collin County the number of homes for sale was up a surprising 38 percent compared to last year. Reading between the lines, it appears the Goldilocks economy that the DFW area has enjoyed for the past 5 years is due for some consolidation. The inventory [...]

DFW Home Prices Pushing Limits Of Affordability

DFW home prices have been on a tear during the last 5 years. That begs the question of whether the recent price gains are sustainable. The answer to that inquiry generally boils down to who is selling what. In our hyper-financialized housing market it is not surprising when real estate practitioners or lenders suggest that we are not in a housing bubble. Whether you call it a housing bubble or not, there is no denying that the past decade has seen some dramatic shifts in the real estate market. Dallas/Fort Worth is certainly part of [...]

Denton TX Home Prices Take A Breather

Denton TX home prices have leveled off during the last few months as the rampant home price inflation seen throughout the DFW area softened the last few months. Typical seasonal factors are at play as well as some general cooling of DFW's overheated housing market. The average price for a new Denton TX home stood at $295,533 in September, down from the peak of $340, 123 seen in January this year. Prices for resale homes in Denton TX peaked in June this year with the average price hitting $274, 070 before cooling to $240,607. The average [...]

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