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North Texas Real Estate Gets Coronafied As Fed Nationalizes Bond Market

North Texas real estate is going to get coronafied, and the coming months will reveal the extent of what looks to be lasting damage for the local real estate market.  The official press release estimates compiled by the A&M RECenter and regurgitated by major media outlets pegged March home sales for a 4 percent increase. It's important to keep in mind these press release numbers are statistical estimates which run off of algorithms accounting for late closings. Sometimes the padding added for late closings or contract activity is overdone, and I believe March is one [...]

Fed Adds $705 Million Agency MBS With Un-Unwind

The Federal Reserve's balance sheet unwind was MIA again this week as agency MBS increased with latest System Open Market Account Account Holdings report. SOMA January 24 holdings reflected a magical $705 million INCREASE in agency mortgage-backed securities. This is rather strange behavior indeed for what was advertised as a balance sheet "unwind". It's looking more like the un-unwind, at least for the past two weeks. Much like the crony capitalist elite dining in Davos, the fine purveyors of bogus economic theory inhabiting the halls of the Marriner Eccles building are probably a tad bit [...]

Dallas Tx Home Prices Distorted By Fed Liquidity

Dallas Tx home prices continued to pusher higher this summer, but there is more to the story that you are not being told. Global central banks continue to levitate markets higher in a frenzied attempt to delay price discovery and push inflation higher.  A recent report shows $1.96 trillion in asset purchases by central banks in 2017. Since the collapse of Lehman Brothers nearly a decade ago, central bank balance sheets have swelled to over $15 trillion. Fed chair Janet Yellen continues to bark about a 2 percent inflation target that remains elusive, even while the [...]

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